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What is a Maintenance Made Easy Package? Small business attorney, Avanta Business Law

Are you consistent with filling out and signing Written Consents for decisions or actions you take with the business?

Do your legal entity documents accurately reflect your business operations today?

If you answered NO to either of these questions, we are here to help you with maintenance.

Why is maintenance important to your business?

We know how busy you are running the business.  It’s always a balance of priorities.  We also know that maintaining the legal entity (or entities) tends to be at the bottom of your list of priorities.  So our new Maintenance Made Easy packages make sense. Clients often ask if they can just hire us to complete their Written Consents and Annual Meeting Documents. So thanks for asking!  We are always looking for ways to help clients worry less, one business owner at a time.

A legal entity is the first step in protecting your personal assets. Next, make sure certain actions and decisions are captured in writing and signed.  This is an ongoing and consistent endeavor.  Never a one-and-done!  However, sometimes it makes sense to batch consent forms, and other times it’s necessary to do it as triggered by a specific action or an event.

As an owner or an officer of a legal entity, you don’t have a choice about whether you agree or not to take on certain legal obligations.  Legal duties to protect the assets of a legal entity are automatic.  You chose to be legally responsible the moment you registered the legal entity.  Going forward, your actions can be used against you, or they can be used to keep you out of legal trouble.  Keeping up with maintenance is protecting the assets. When you take your legal obligations seriously, you will achieve a sense of relief.

What is a Maintenance Made Easy Package?

Relief is where Avanta’s Maintenance Made Easy packages can help.  We get that keeping up on maintenance is not easy when you have a million other things competing for your time. Just because your entity is an LLC, your maintenance obligations may be similar to other LLCs, but don’t get too comfortable with that!  Like with a contract, our value to you happens when we understand your business, operations, and expectations. From there, we custom-fit your maintenance accordingly. Maintenance can be a great step in helping to avoid a lawsuit which can harm a businesses reputation, put stress on you as the business owner, and potentially put you out of business. Let us help you maintain your business with a Maintenance Made Easy Package!

Written Consents

A good start to business entity maintenance is figuring out your plan with timely completing Written Consents.  Here are some points to consider:

  • Who will prepare the Written Consents?
  • Who needs to sign?
  • Will signatures be captured electronically or by hand?
  • Where will the signed Written Consents be kept?
  • Who has access to the consents and other entity documents?
  • Which type of decision or action requires which consent form to use?
  • How to capture several decisions during a meeting?
  • How should annual meetings be documented?

Are consent forms legally required?  The answer is no (Corporations are the exception with annual meeting minutes).  Then why should you bother?  If you have ever had a conversation with Dana, then you probably know that she could talk about this for hours . . .  “If we can poke enough holes at your maintenance, then your personal assets are at risk.”  Documenting with consent forms proves you are not operating the legal entity haphazardly.  You protect the business with each Written Consent because writing down actions and decisions forces you to consider the action and decision to ensure it’s the right action to take and that the right people agree.  The moment you are caught up in a misunderstanding or an audit, relief will set in as you remember that you are compliant with maintenance, and here’s your proof!

What is your plan with Written Consents?  Do you have a plan?  Would you like to have a plan?

Avanta is here to help!  Let’s figure out which Maintenance Made Easy package makes sense right now for you.  Do you need to catch up on actions and decisions taken in 2022? What about actions or decisions during Quarter 1 of 2023?  Maybe you only need a one-off Written Consent to document a recent decision or action. Have you documented your annual meeting from 2022?

We got you!

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